I have been practicing Chinese medicine, including herbs, acupuncture, and manual therapy for over a decade. I have been asked by my patients how Chinese medicine works thousands of times. Ma Huang(麻黄) is the first herb of the series: Magic...
Read More ›These two conditions are so far away from each other, whether the locations or symptoms. You would need at least two different specialists in Western medicine to address these problems. But in Chinese medicine, these two can be treated effectively,...
Read More ›In some parts of the world, acupuncture is well-known as an alternative form of treatment. As time goes on and people travel more, acupuncture is increasingly being utilized to treat chronic pain. It seems like Acupuncture for Pain conditions such...
Read More ›Acupuncture is a type of ancient medical treatment that involves inserting needles into different points of the body. This is done to achieve therapeutic effects, such as pain reduction, increased circulation, and an improved immune system in...
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